Choosing the Right Test: Navigating the Variety of Pregnancy Tests

The emotions that come during a potential pregnancy can be overwhelming. Maybe you’ve never taken a pregnancy test before. How do you choose the right pregnancy test?  You can get a pregnancy test at your local drugstore or be tested at your doctor’s office or medical clinic. We at Women’s Care Medical Center offer free

What Support Is Available After an Abortion?

If you’re struggling after an abortion, whether it’s months or even years later, support is available after an abortion. Finding the right support is important to your healing and recovery journey. Talk to our team to get help after an abortion.  You Are Not Alone It can be easy to feel alone and isolated after

The Role of Ultrasounds in Prenatal Care

Are you pregnant and not sure what’s next? Prenatal care is the medical care you receive when you’re pregnant and is an essential part of the process. The role of ultrasounds in prenatal care is essential to understanding the health of your pregnancy and what steps are next in your unique situation. We can help.

What to Do After a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Think you’re pregnant? Not sure what’s next after you see that plus sign on your positive pregnancy test? You are not alone. After a positive pregnancy test, we recommend three essential steps of pregnancy confirmation to ensure clarity in your unique journey. 1. Take Another Pregnancy Test Though you may have gotten more than one

How Do Home Pregnancy Tests Work?

Home pregnancy tests are pretty simple to take, but it’s the timing that can trip women up. We’re here to explain how and when to take a home pregnancy test so you can gain clarity on whether or not you’re pregnant.  You are not alone as you face a potential unplanned pregnancy. Take a breath

What are the Potential Risks and Side Effects of Abortion?

There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. Each type of abortion procedure comes with its own potential risks and side effects. Here are the facts. Two Types of Abortion  The type of abortion performed is typically determined by how far along your pregnancy is. Medical abortion is typically done through 10 weeks of

 Is Abortion Recovery Difficult?

Every woman’s experience after abortion is different, but abortion recovery can be a difficult road to walk.  The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shares a study finding that almost 75% of women who had an abortion and felt at least subtly pressured into making the decision experienced difficult emotional and mental health challenges, including:

Will I Be Legally Responsible for a Baby if My Pregnant Partner Is Not Married to Me?

Are you afraid after finding out your partner is pregnant? Maybe you have second thoughts and are struggling to find answers. You don’t have to navigate this season alone. It’s important to understand your legal rights regarding an unexpected pregnancy. Legally, unmarried fathers are still financially responsible for a child and must establish paternity (when

Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

Take a deep breath – it may not be too late for your pregnancy. It’s ok to change your mind. If you took the first pill of the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone) and regret it, call the Abortion Pill Rescue Network hotline at (877) 558-0333 or visit Abortion Pill Reversal right away. You are not

What Can I Do if My Partner Wants an Abortion, but I Want To Keep the Baby?

An unintended pregnancy can mean two different things to two different people. To some, it is a happy and welcome surprise. To others, being unexpectedly pregnant can be frightening. No matter what, suddenly discovering you are pregnant is a shock to everyone involved. You now have a crucial choice to make. Do you continue with

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