If you’re struggling after an abortion, whether it’s months or even years later, support is available after an abortion. Finding the right support is important to your healing and recovery journey. Talk to our team to get help after an abortion. 

You Are Not Alone

It can be easy to feel alone and isolated after a traumatic experience like abortion. It’s important not to shove down all your emotions but to face them head-on. 

Know that women all over the country are affected by the major decision of abortion, physically and emotionally. You are not alone in your struggle.

Mental Health Effects of Abortion

A study by TFMHA concluded that “it is clear that some women do experience sadness, grief, and feelings of loss following termination of a pregnancy, and some experience clinically significant disorders, including depression and anxiety.”

Women experience a variety of emotions after an abortion, and some of them could be facing include: 

  • Generalized guilt
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Denial and repression
  • Depression
  • Regret and Remorse
  • Flashbacks
  • Specific or generalized sense of grief and loss

Healing & Recovery is Possible

Take one step at a time. Every woman’s recovery after abortion looks different, and that’s ok. One of the bravest steps you can take right now is to share your experience with someone – it’s the first step to healing.

Talk with someone you trust about this challenging journey involving grief and confronting your emotions. Start with a friend or mentor you know and trust. Professional abortion help is recommended as well. We at Women’s Care Medical Center can help.

Though it’s not an easy journey, recovery is one worth taking. You deserve to live life to the fullest again and to experience joy and peace.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn where to begin on your road to recovery. Your future self will thank you.

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