What is the Abortion Pill?

Before deciding if the abortion pill is right for you, take some time to learn about the process, its side effects, and helpful pre-abortion screenings to consider.  What is the abortion pill and how does it terminate a pregnancy? The abortion pill, also called a medical abortion, is a process of ending an unwanted pregnancy

What’s the Difference Between Plan B and the Abortion Pill?

Are you anxious that you might be pregnant or may become pregnant? The thought of experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can cause a lot of stress and worry and knowing what to do in this situation can be tricky. Women’s Care Medical Center is here to help break down the difference between Plan B and the


If you are 13-26 weeks pregnant and aren’t sure what to do, rest assured you have options. Abortion, adoption, and parenting are possibilities available to you. As you consider what’s next, know you aren’t alone. Free and confidential resources are available right here in Baldwin County.  What If I’m Not Sure What’s Right For Me

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

Are you pregnant and curious about your abortion options but want to make a safe and informed choice? You’re in the right place! Accessing the abortion pill in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing and complicated. What are the risks of ordering the abortion pill online? It may be tempting to order

What Are The Side Effects Of The Abortion Pill?

Before taking any medication, it’s important to understand how that medication might interact with your body through side effects. The abortion pill is no different.  While it may seem like a simple enough medication, you deserve to know about the potential side effects so you can make a fully-informed decision. What is the Abortion Pill?

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

You’re pregnant unexpectedly and you don’t know what to do. You are not alone. If you’re considering the abortion pill – you deserve to understand the risks. The abortion pill is a part of the medication abortion process, which works to terminate a pregnancy. There are two powerful drugs taken in this process, taken 24-48

Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

Do you have this pit in your stomach, regretting what you’ve just done? Many women regret taking the abortion pill for many different reasons. Maybe you’ve changed your mind halfway through your medical abortion and wonder if it’s too late.  It may still be possible for you to reverse the effects of the abortion pill.

Can I Buy The Abortion Pill Online?

We can shop for everything online, can’t we? If COVID has taught us anything it’s that we don’t have to leave our house or our car to purchase items. In fact, you may be wondering if you can buy the abortion pill online.  Before you click the “Check Out” button, find out more about the

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

So, your girlfriend is pregnant and you’re worried about all the financial commitments that come next. You may be asking, will my insurance pay for my girlfriend’s abortion? First, know that you’re not alone and you don’t have to rush into any pregnancy decision right away. You and your girlfriend deserve to know about all

Plan B vs. The Abortion Pill: What is the Difference

Plan B and the abortion pill are often mistaken as the same thing, but they’re two completely different drugs. Whether you are facing an unplanned pregnancy or worried that you are pregnant after having unprotected sex, you’ll want to know the difference between the two. However you move forward with a decision, know that you

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