What is An Open Adoption?
Maybe you’re considering adoption as you face one of the hardest decisions of your life. We know this time is critical and we want to better inform you about your adoption option, specifically open adoption.
Open adoption is the most popular type of adoption, as it allows the most open communication and relationship between the mother (and father if desired) and child, and the adoptive parents.
As the expectant mother, you make all the decisions about the adoption.
Adoption isn’t an easy choice, as it requires a lot of support. However, if you’re working and/or going to school, having difficulties with finances or a relationship, or already taking care of others, adoption could be your best option.
Some of the benefits of choosing adoption include:
When considering adoption plans, think about how much access you want to the adoptive family and your child. The amount of interaction determines the type of plan you choose.
Unlike closed and semi-open adoption plans, where all or some communication is done through a third-party, open adoption allows open communication.
Open adoption gives both the birth mother and the adoptive family open access to one another. You exchange identifying information such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
You can communicate freely, set up visits, and build a relationship with everyone. It helps women to know they’ve made the right decision.
Only you know your situation and what’s best for you and the future of your child. No one would ever say choosing adoption is easy.
There’s so much more to learn about this option. Take your time and get as much information as possible. Together, we can discuss all of your pregnancy options.
Schedule an appointment today.