The Abortion Pill

The abortion pill induces a chemical/medication abortion.  It involves 2 medications.  The first medication is Mifeprex, which blocks progesterone and interrupts pregnancy development prompting detachment of the implanted embryo.  Secondly, Misoprostol is taken up to 48 hours later, inducing contractions to empty the uterus.  Expect strong cramping, bleeding nausea and vomiting.  A final visit to a physician is necessary to ensure the abortion has completed.

8-10% of women will require a surgical abortion to complete the process.

Risks and Side Effects

  • Abortion Failure (incomplete abortion)
  • Bleeding & Hemorrhaging
  • Infection
  • Severe Pain/Cramping
  • Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea/Fever/Chills/Headache/Dizziness

Warning: The abortion pill is not advised for women who have anemia, bleeding disorders, liver or kidney disease, seizure disorder, acute inflammatory bowel disease, or use an intrauterine device (IUD).

DO NOT BUY MIFEPREX OVER THE INTERNET.  You should not buy Mifeprex over the internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health.  Mifeprex has safety restrictions on how it is distributed to the public.  In addition, drugs purchased from foreign internet sources are not FDA approved and are not subject to FDA inspection.

Average Cost: $500-$800

Sources: www.americanpreganncy.org,

Vacuum Aspiration

The cervix is stretched with dilators wide enough to allow the abortion instruments to pass into the uterus.  A hand held syringe is attached to tubing that is inserted into the uterus and the fetus is then suctioned out.

Suction Currettage (D&C) – Most common in-clinic abortion

The cervix is opened with a dilator up to 14 weeks.  The doctor inserts tubing connected to a suction machine into the uterus.  The suction pulls the fetus’s body apart and empties the uterus.  Between 14 weeks and 16 weeks 6 days, the cervix will be softened by giving Misoprostol, orally or vaginally, so dilation is easier for the larger fetus.

Risks and Side Effects

  • Heavy or continued bleeding
  • Infection
  • Sepsis (infection entering blood)
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Allergic reaction to drugs
  • Damage to cervix
  • Scarring of uterus lining
  • Perforation (causing a hole) of the uterus
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Increasing risk of breast cancer
  • Death

Abortion is linked to subsequent preterm births and increased risk for mental health issues.  Scarring or other injury during an abortion may prevent or place at risk future wanted pregnancies.  The risk of miscarriage is greater for women post abortion. 

Average Cost: $600-$1500+

Sources: www.americanpreganncy.org,

Dilation & Evacuation (D&E)

In this procedure, the cervix is softened by giving Misoprostol, orally or vaginally, so cervix can by opened wider than in a first trimester abortion, allowing the doctor to pull out the fetal parts by combination of suction, curette, and/or with forceps.  The fetus’s skull is crushed to ease removal.

Risks and Side Effects

  • Heavy or continued bleeding
  • Infection
  • Sepsis (infection entering blood)
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Allergic reaction to drugs
  • Damage to cervix
  • Scarring of uterus lining
  • Perforation (causing a hole) of the uterus
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Increasing risk of breast cancer
  • Death

Abortion is linked to subsequent preterm births and increased risk for mental health issues.  Scarring or other injury during an abortion may prevent or place at risk future wanted pregnancies.  The risk of miscarriage is greater for women post abortion.

Average Cost: $1200-$2000+

Sources: www.americanpreganncy.org,

Late Term Abortion

Also called Induction Abortion.  A lethal dose Digoxin is injected into the fetus’s heart or amniotic fluid initiating a fatal heart attack.  The cervix is treated for 2-3 days to prepare the deceased fetus for delivery.  On the final day, the woman is given Oxytocin to induce labor leading to vaginal delivery.

Risks and Side Effects

  • Heavy or continued bleeding
  • Infection
  • Sepsis (infection entering blood)
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Allergic reaction to drugs
  • Damage to cervix
  • Scarring of uterus lining
  • Perforation (causing a hole) of the uterus
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Increasing risk of breast cancer
  • Death

A woman faces greater risks aborting her pregnancy in the late-term, given the fetus’s size and development. Late-term abortions have a higher risk of hemorrhage, lacerations, and uterine perforations, as well as a risk of maternal death. Future pregnancies are also at a greater risk for loss or premature delivery due to abortion-related trauma and injury to the cervix.

Average Cost: $3000+ 

Sources: www.americanpreganncy.org,

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