What are Signs of Uterine Damage After Abortion?

Uterine damage is one of the major physical risks of getting an abortion. It can be more likely when going through certain types of abortion. However, signs of injury or complication after an abortion can include the following: Signs to Watch For After Abortion Other complications after an abortion include incomplete abortion (requiring another abortion

 How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Upon learning that you are pregnant, you may feel a variety of emotions. Some women feel overwhelmed and scared, while others are excited and happy. There is no right or wrong way to feel; all of these emotions are valid! How Will I Feel? Some women discover that their moods fluctuate while they are pregnant.

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. Some women don’t notice pregnancy symptoms, while others are overwhelmed with many symptoms.  Though symptoms can vary, there are symptoms that are commonly associated with pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about the top 7 pregnancy symptoms. 1. Missed period- When a pregnancy implants in a woman’s body, it releases a

My Birth Control Failed. What Do I Do?

Some women will experience an unplanned pregnancy if their birth control has failed. For many women, this can be a very frightening time. It is important to remember that you have options, and you are not alone.  It is vital to have an understanding of all of the options available to you.  What Should I

Will I Have A Relationship With My Child If I Place Them For Adoption?

If you are considering abortion, it’s important to understand how it can potentially affect your physical and mental health. Abortion is a medical procedure that can have serious side effects.  These may include: It’s essential to understand the facts about these aftereffects. We can help provide you with more information about these and other effects

What is An Open Adoption?

Maybe you’re considering adoption as you face one of the hardest decisions of your life. We know this time is critical and we want to better inform you about your adoption option, specifically open adoption. Open adoption is the most popular type of adoption, as it allows the most open communication and relationship between the

How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Some women report feelings of loss, guilt, and sadness after their abortion. These feelings can occur right after the procedure or later down the road. Some mental health effects of abortion can stick around for months or even years. If you’re considering the option

How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Abortion is a major medical decision that may have life-altering effects. Abortion comes with many physical risks like infection, nausea, cramping, or heavy bleeding.  In this blog, we want to share how abortion may physically affect you so you can make an informed choice.  Physical risks of abortion 1. Medical Abortion Also known as ‘the

I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

We know it could feel a bit overwhelming to figure out what’s next and work through the fear, confusion, and shock of it all. You’re not alone as you work through an unplanned pregnancy. If your pregnancy test is positive, you have three choices. Making a choice about your future and the future of your


An incomplete abortion can come with many signs. Some common signs of incomplete abortion are moderate or severe vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain.  If it is confirmed by a medical professional that you are experiencing an incomplete abortion, a medical procedure will likely be done to prevent further health risks.  If you think you could

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