What are the types of abortion procedures?

Whether it’s the word “Pregnant,” a plus sign, or a double line, the result on the pregnancy test is hard to imagine. It’s the last thing you probably expected.  If you’re ready to move forward, visit the Women’s Care Medical Center. After you confirm your pregnancy with a free Women’s Care lab-quality pregnancy test and

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

How much do you know about abortion methods and potential risks? Abortion is a serious medical and psychological decision. It should be discussed thoroughly with a medical professional before proceeding.  There are risks with every abortion method. You owe it to yourself to get as much information as possible. The consultants at Women’s Care Medical

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Are you confronted with an unexpected pregnancy? We understand the shock and anxiety you could be experiencing. You are not alone. You deserve to know about the abortion pill process and the risks involved before making up your mind. Get the facts you need to make a confident decision with your options and move forward.

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Scared, overwhelmed, confused? There are so many emotions that come with pregnancy. Maybe you’re thinking about abortion after realizing you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Don’t walk this road without first understanding the procedures and risks. Get updated medical information about each abortion procedure so you can make a confident, empowered decision. No matter what you choose to

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Abortion. The topic divides families, friends, political parties, and our nation. It sparks a lot of arguments. But, what do you really know about the procedures? No one seems to talk about abortion methods, the side effects, and potential risks.  At Women’s Care Medical Center, we want you to be informed. You need to have

3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound before Abortion

Your period is late, you feel nauseous all the time, and the at-home pregnancy test was positive. Nothing could be more unplanned than being pregnant at this time in your life. This has got to be a dream, right?  If you’re wondering what to do next, we suggest coming to Women’s Care Medical Center.  First,

What Are the Two Safest Types of Abortion?

If you’ve recently discovered you’re pregnant and are wondering about your pregnancy options, you’ve come to the right place!  Here at Women’s Care Medical Center, we believe every woman and pregnancy situation is unique. Because of this, it’s important to take the time to learn about your options and the risks associated with each and

From Pregnancy to Parenting

Nine months goes fast.  Maybe you just found out your pregnant and you’re still trying to wrap your mind around the shocking news.  Or maybe you’re already into your 3rd trimester, wondering if you’ll ever be able to see your feet again.  Either way, nine months is all you get to prepare for this adventure

Things to Consider Before Scheduling an Abortion

1.  Are You Really Pregnant? The pregnancy test says you’re pregnant, but that doesn’t always mean you really are, or will stay, pregnant.  Before you decide to terminate your pregnancy, it can save you a lot of time and money to first find out if the pregnancy is viable.  A “viable” pregnancy means that the

The Dangers of the 2 Most Common STDs

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the most commonly reported STDs in the United States. Alabama is ranked #15 in the U.S. for Chlamydia and #8 for gonorrhea (source).  Statistics show that 1 in 2 sexually active persons will contract an STD by the age of 25.  Are you one of them?  You may be and not even

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