While you might feel that being pressured to have an abortion would be obvious, things can feel unclear. In fact, if you have strong relationships with your loved ones, you may not notice the signs until the pressure overwhelms you.

Your well-being matters. You deserve to make a pregnancy decision free from judgment. We’ll help you understand the warning signs below. 

For additional information and support, visit Women’s Care Medical Center. We’re here for you.

What Should I Pay Attention To?

Regardless of their relationship with you, no one has the right to make a pregnancy decision on your behalf or coerce you into doing something you disagree with. 

Cambridge Dictionary describes the verb pressure as “to strongly persuade someone to do something they do not want to do.” 

When someone pressures you to have an abortion, they are trying to remove your ability to exert independence over and make decisions for yourself. Keep reading to learn the potential warning signs of this. 

Note: If you are being abused, know that help is available. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24/7 support and information. 

1. They dismiss your feelings.

If your concerns, fears, or opinions about abortion are dismissed or ignored, this is a clear sign that this person is pressuring you to make a decision you’re uncomfortable with.

2. They try to rush you into a decision. 

“You don’t have to research other options. Deep down, you already know what’s best.”

“Why are you taking time to decide? It’s not that difficult!”

“Reading those things online won’t make a difference. The choice is pretty clear.”

Have you heard these things or something similar? Diminishing you and rushing you into making a decision is another sign that someone is pressuring you.

3. They threaten or try to manipulate you.

Whether this person tries to control your finances, makes threatening remarks, or issues ultimatums (i.e., “I’ll leave you if you don’t do this. You’ll have nothing.”), these are all clear signs that they are pressuring you to have an abortion. 

4. You only hear negative opinions about parenting or adoption. 

When making a pregnancy decision, you need the facts. Hearing others’ perspectives can give you more well-rounded viewpoints, but the decision is yours alone. 

You may feel pressure to abort if someone in your life wants to share only negative opinions and refuses to discuss available resources. This can feel distressing and make you anxious or uncertain about your choices. 

5. You feel uncertain, nervous, or don’t want to express your feelings around them.

You should always feel comfortable discussing your emotions and concerns. Feeling tense, “on edge,” or uncertain when you’re around this person may indicate that you don’t trust them to respect your autonomy and independence. 

Feeling pressure of any kind can be distressing. However, remember that you’re not alone. We’re here to help.

We Are Here For You

Women’s Care Medical Center offers free and confidential support. When you are dealing with pressure to have an abortion, remember that no one can legally force you to make a decision you don’t want to make. 

We’ll help you understand your options and make a decision without judgment or pressure.

You are not alone. Make an appointment today.

Women’s Care Medical Center does not perform or refer for abortions. 

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