Pre-Abortion Screening
Getting a pre-abortion screening is critical to protecting your health. We understand the pressure that comes with this season, but it’s important not to rush and take the steps necessary to be sure of your pregnancy details and your abortion options.
We provide no-cost and confidential pre-abortion screening and support so you can get the clarity you need.
What Is A Pre-Abortion Screening?
A pre-abortion screening enables you to confirm your pregnancy, protect your sexual health, and ask a qualified medical professional any questions you may have.
It’s important to review your medical history, pregnancy’s gestational age and location, and any medications you take. All these factors can impact your abortion options, health, and safety.
Get Key Health Information Verified First
Deciding to have an abortion isn’t as simple as scheduling an appointment. Before any pregnancy decision, you must verify key details to safeguard your health. Begin with no-cost pregnancy testing at our center.
After confirming your pregnancy with pregnancy testing, an ultrasound is next. We offer no-cost, limited obstetric ultrasounds. An ultrasound determines three essential details:
1. Your pregnancy’s viability (whether it is progressing normally and has a detectable heartbeat)
2. How far along you are (gestational age)
3. The location of your pregnancy (located in the uterus or somewhere else)
These pregnancy details confirm whether you may be experiencing potential complications such as a miscarriage (which may require treatment or monitoring) or ectopic pregnancy (which always requires treatment).
In addition to an ultrasound, you should speak with your medical provider to determine whether you are eligible for an abortion. Certain medical conditions, allergies, and your physical and mental health may disqualify you from a procedure.
Knowing Your Pregnancy Options is Essential
Before an abortion, have you learned about all your pregnancy options? Receiving information about parenting and making an adoption plan can help you determine whether those would be better options.
If you’ve decided abortion is best, understanding the procedures, side effects, and potential risks is crucial. With any abortion procedure, including medical abortion and surgical abortion, you’ll experience abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding.
Abortion-related risks include infection, heavy bleeding, and incomplete abortion. These risks are rare but possible.
Get the facts so you can make an informed pregnancy decision. We can talk you through all your pregnancy options today at no cost.
We’re Here For You
Our non-judgmental and compassionate team at Women’s Care Medical Center is here to listen to your unique situation and provide support.
Contact us today to schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment.