An unplanned pregnancy can seem overwhelming, but you are not alone. Though you may be hesitant to parent, an adoption plan can prevent depression caused by abortion by preventing the more long-term effects of abortion. 

Though adoption is still not easy, there are more upsides to this option when it comes to your long-term mental health.

Mental Effects of Abortion

Every woman experiences abortion differently but experts reveal that many women do experience sadness, grief, and loss after an abortion. Some experience clinically-significant disorders such as depression and anxiety.

A 2011 study shares the dramatic changes in mental health in women who had an abortion. Medical information was gathered from 877,000 women, of which 164,000 had an abortion; the women who had an abortion were 81 percent more likely to experience mental health struggles. 

Some other statistics show they were…

  • 34% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder
  • 37% more likely to experience depression
  • 110% more likely to abuse alcohol
  • 155% more likely to commit suicide
  • 220% more likely to abuse marijuana

How an Adoption Plan Can Help Prevent Depression 

Adoption is not always the easiest choice and comes with mental health effects, too. Adoption can cause feelings of regret, sadness, and grief. But an adoption plan may prevent some of the long-term effects of depression from abortion. 

When coming up with an adoption plan, you as the birth mother get to decide what your relationship looks like with your child if you want one at all. You create the plan and set the terms. You may still experience feelings of loss, but that loss may be lessened by opting to have a relationship with your child and the adoptive family.

Your Options

We know how much pressure you may feel right now and we are here for you. At Women’s Care Medical Center, we provide a safe space for you to talk through all of your options with no judgment from us. 

Schedule your appointment today at no cost to you and get support as you navigate your pregnancy. You can do this.

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